Our Spa & Alternative Wellness Providers
Tina Yancy
Why We're Great >

Tina Yancy is a Certified, Licensed Massage Therapist who works primarily with women. Trained in clinical massage she uses a variety of modalities to assist the body in releasing tension and find its way back to a more relaxed state. "Living in a fast paced society with technology encompassing so many facets of our life we get used to "being on" all the time. Many times muscle tension is from emotional and psychological stress which can play a big part in tight muscle patterns becoming chronic and they just need a little help to calm down. The body is wise, it is always talking to us. We just need to slow down and be mindful of what it is trying to tell us." Tina is also passionate about yoga and its ability to assist the body in finding a more relaxed and balanced state. "I recommend Yoga to all my clients. Massage and yoga are very complementary. Yoga at its core means union; union of mind, body and soul. Yoga helps get us out of the ruminating mind and into body awareness. It is much more than a practice of asanas (poses), it can help us pay attention to what we are holding in our body as tension and with time, learn to let go." Tina lives in the Holland area, considers herself a lifelong learner who enjoys yoga, gardening, the company of family/good friends and being in the great outdoors.
Shelley Woodcock
Why We're Great >

Shelley Woodcock has over 20 years in the recruiting industry and 3 years owning her own recruiting business, she started to feel like there is something more she needed to be doing. She was losing her zest for life. Through her exploration of herself and her life purpose, she discovered the holistic approach to healing and stress relief. She made the decision to train under Dr. Alison J. Kay the founder of Vibrational UPgrade™ & became certified in Reiki Level I & II and the Vibrational UPgrade™ System. Healing feels so natural to her. She believes each of us has a gift to contribute to help one another evolve and her gift is healing. She knows in her heart that is what she is meant to do.
Terry Larkin
Why We're Great >

Terry Larkin has been living in the Holland, Michigan area for 32 years. She Is a Certified Reconnective Healing Practitioner, author, writer, and motivational speaker in the area of health and healing. Terry is a retired teacher from Holland Public Schools. Following her Near-Death Experience in 1982, Terry spent years researching the connection between the brain, science, spirituality and the body's healing ability. Come hear her healing insights!
Janette McGlinsey
Why We're Great >

Janette McGlinsey
Spiritual Expansion Coach
Through her own experiences Janette has created a way to help others expand and their spirituality. She has created a three-step program to help you find your best life. Learning to love yourself, Allow spiritual and self growth and most importantly teach you how to manifest the life you want and deserve.
Another part of her spiritual journey is Reiki. Janette is certified in Holy Fire Reiki. Reiki is the flow of energy moving positive in and negative energy out of your body. And with the use of crystals.
Amanda Chocko, NTP
Why We're Great >

Amanda Chocko is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who believes in the power of real food in combatting chronic disease. She learned this first hand through her own health struggles where she dealt with a number of chronic issues ranging from thyroid disfunction to colitis. Not wanting to accept a life sentence of prescription drugs and possible surgery, Amanda decided to find a better way. That is when she turned to a holistic approach using nutrition and lifestyle modifications to reclaim her health and vitality. Now, Amanda empowers others to take ownership of your their own health & well being thru a bio-individual approach that emphasizes nutrient-dense, whole foods and healthful lifestyle practices. She received her NTP certification through the Nutritional Therapy Association, is a Certified Autoimmune Protocol Coach and licensed RESTART program instructor. You can learn more about Amanda at www.feelinggroovyproject.com
Reaiah True
Why We're Great >

Reaiah True is a Certified Reflexologist through Bear Heart Vibrational Reflexologist, Annette Ross (MA in Education - Central MI State & Wayne State University), she has been in awe of the effectiveness of what has been charted out for us. Her studies began four years ago, initially, simply for use on self and her household. Her husband was urging her to share the refreshing with others, and it has all come together since she put away reluctance. The methods she uses incorporate studies from Chinese, Tibetan and Japanese cultures. The term "vibrational" reflexology comes from her mentor's studies with Dr. Masaru Emoto. He wrote The Secret Life of Water, among other books. Dr. Emoto found that when certain words, pictures or music were exposed to water, the result of the vibration of that source was evident in the water -during the two minute transition from ice to crystal (snowflake) to melt. The fact that we are 75-80% water presents that our words and intentions are resonating within us and others based on what we send and receive. Time spent in positive reinforcement goes a long way...
Melanie Griffin
Why We're Great >

Melanie Griffin is a Licensed Esthetician and Nail Technician. She brings over 24 years combined experience to Bodhi Tree. She believes that skin and nail care contributes to an overall sense of well being, self care and a healthy lifestyle. She wants everyone to leave with a overwhelming sense of relaxation and peace.